Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'd be an expert...

I'd be an expert...
Originally uploaded by knittingbrow
Those who know me well know how true this is. I love me a good nap.

I've been making changes to this and feeling pretty happy about it. I've been making lots of small changes recently and will start sharing a few on the blog.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yoga Rabbit

Yoga Rabbit
Originally uploaded by knittingbrow
In honor of the Spring Equinox on Sunday, I brewed tea out of this festive rabbit teapot.

U think it looks like this bunny is doing some sort if yoga position.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fine Points Visit

Fine Points Visit
Originally uploaded by knittingbrow
I'm enjoying a visit in Cleveland and decided to walk to Fine Points yarn shop on Larchmere in Cleveland near Shaker Square. This isn't my first visit to the shop and it probably won't be my last. This house is filled to the brim with yarn, needles and fashions (upstairs) and is more a boutique than just a yarn shop. The yarn is crammed into shelves that sometimes explode as I walk by or consider touching a skein or two.

One annoying fact about the shop is re owner does not price the yarn. If I want to find put the price, I have to ask a staff member to look it up for me on the computer. Reminds me if the saying "if you have to ask for the price, you probably can't afford it.". True that.

There are things I enjoy about the shop. They have lots and lots of knitting needles. Always a great thing.The shop has a lot of samples and designs by the owner or staff. Talking to the designer when I'm considering a project is a major bonus for me. They have a lot of Noro, Schaefer (spelling?), and other high end yarns. I love seeing these in person. They also have a nice selections of buttons if you need them. I find most of the staff helpful and rather pleasant.

The owner tends to put me off and I don't know if it is because I'm a male in her store or if she is interrupted by my being there. My most pleasant visits have been when the staff are on their own and chat with me about yarn, patterns and what they are knitting. And they do this while helping other customers. :)

If you stop by the shop, make sure to go upstairs to see some of the work horse and sale yarns. Plan to spend time looking around and be willing to take the yarn to the cashier for a price check. Take extra money. I find their retail a bit higher than other LYSs.

I'm really interested in what others think about when they visited. Please leave a comment.