Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Arrived Safely

I have arrived to the location of the "boys fishing trip" without event. The trip took 6 hours and was uneventful. Unfortunately, I was only able to knit for about 2 hours because it got dark. The conversation was good so I didn't mind.

I have packed 5 specific projects to work on during the trip. I'll post more about these later today.

I did listen to a few podcasts from "Stash and Burn." I enjoy this podcast mostly because I relate to what they are saying. It feels really great to use the yarn I have in my stash! I do want to post a few comments to them. I'm concerned with the loss of sock "mojo" aren't you?

Just discovered on Interlacements Yarn..the Interactive Sock Gang. Sounds like fun. I'll review what details I find and share them with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry, I think I'm on Sock Crack. I'm all over making socks in fancy colors.